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Detroit Legal Blog

Felony Criminal Sexual Conduct Reduced to Simple Assault

May 14, 2015, by Maurice Davis in Case Results, Sex Crimes

We were recently contacted by a 19-year-old man from out of town who was arrested and charged in Washtenaw County with two counts of criminal sexual conduct. Prior to contacting the Michigan sex crime lawyers at Davis Law Group PLLC, the client had been represented by an appointed public defender but was unsatisfied with the defense provided. After learning about our criminal defense work online and speaking with our attorneys, the young man immediately hired us to represent him in this complicated case.

At the time of the alleged offense, our client had been in town visiting friends and attended a party at a local college campus. During that party, our client was accused of touching two females in a sexual way. He was subsequently arrested and charged with felony criminal sexual conduct.

Our client had no previous criminal record, and he was extremely worried about what would happen to him if convicted. A conviction would require him to register as a sex offender for the next 10 years – making it difficult for him to establish a career or be involved with the community.

The Michigan sex crime lawyers at Davis Law Group PLLC were able to successfully negotiate the two counts of criminal sexual conduct down to two counts of misdemeanor simple assault and battery. Our client no longer had to worry about register as a sex offender.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.