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Detroit Legal Blog

What is Larceny by Conversion in Michigan?

Nov 09, 2016 in Legal Blog, Theft

Larceny by conversion is a theft that is accomplished by cheating someone out of their property or possessions. Depending on the value of the things you allegedly stole, you could face significant time in prison and crippling fines. Fortunately, you may be able to avoid…

Bills Regulate Michigan Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Oct 31, 2016 in Legal Blog, Marijuana

This September, Governor Rick Snyder signed three bills into law that have important implications for Michigan’s 180,000-odd medical marijuana patients and their providers. Since a 2008 ballot initiative legalized medical marijuana, the authorities and the public have struggled to put in place a sustainable medical…

Do Drug Courts Work?

Oct 24, 2016 in Criminal Defense, Drug Crimes, Legal Blog

The idea behind Michigan’s drug courts is simple: treat the addiction issues of nonviolent substance abusing offenders instead of punishing them. By addressing the cause of these individuals’ criminality–their substance abuse problem–drug courts are able to significantly reduce recidivism and save the state money. If…

App Lets Dates See Your Criminal Record

Oct 19, 2016 in Constitutional Law, Criminal Defense, Legal Blog

In today’s technologically advanced dating scene, a new mobile application has emerged that allows people to check the criminal backgrounds of potential suitors, which may seriously impact the game of ex-offenders. Called “Stud or Dud,” the app searches through millions of publicly available records to…