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Criminal Defense


Second Chances for Drug Offenders

Nov 23, 2015 in Criminal Defense, Drug Crimes, Legal Blog

People convicted of drug offenses should be given a second chance. Instead, Michigan’s criminal justice system gives harsh sentences to non-violent drug offenders and people for whom drug use is a symptom of their mental illness. In these cases, prison is not only ineffective —…

Federal Drug Trafficking Charges

Nov 16, 2015 in Criminal Defense, Drug Crimes, Legal Blog

Drug trafficking is an area of criminal activity that may lead to charges from either state or federal authorities. Federal drug trafficking charges are generally more serious, and involve longer sentences, than state charges. With drug laws existing at both the state and federal levels,…

Parole Violations

Nov 09, 2015 in Criminal Defense, Legal Blog

People often confuse parole and probation—and not without reason, since they both are alternatives to serving jail time available to Michigan convicts. But there are important differences between the two. After a trial, a convict may be sentenced to probation, which means he or she…