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Criminal Defense

Judge with gavel being paid bond money

Need to Get Bail in Detroit, MI? Here’s How

Apr 04, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Bail is cash, a bond, or collateral that an arrested individual gives the court not to secure their release from jail. In exchange for posting bail, you agree to all terms and court dates related to your criminal charges and, if necessary, a trial. There’s…

Man in plaid shirt being arrested

Can You Sue the Police for a False Arrest?

Mar 09, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Although police make arrests frequently, that doesn’t mean they have the power to do so without due cause. False arrests can hinder your career and future opportunities. When your civil rights have been violated from a false arrest, you may be able to take legal…

Police officer handcuffing man

How To Refuse Consent for a Police Search

Jan 06, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Even people who’ve done nothing wrong find themselves feeling nervous in the presence of law enforcement. You probably want to appear helpful and cooperative, but what is the cost, and are you putting yourself in harm’s way? When the police attempt to search you or…