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Criminal Defense


Michigan Has One of Lowest Recidivism Rates

May 29, 2017 in Criminal Defense, Legal Blog

A recent decline in the number of offenders who engage in criminal behavior following prison release places Michigan among the top 10 states with the lowest recidivism rates over a three-year period. The state reported the good news after tracking the percentage of criminal offenders…

What is Child Pornography?

May 25, 2017 in Criminal Defense, Legal Blog, Sex Crimes

A conviction for child pornography will change your life for the worse despite the fact that you may feel you did nothing wrong. The ruling will likely be harsh and the consequences will undoubtedly be devastating. You can find yourself facing a long prison sentence…

What is Vehicular Manslaughter?

Apr 17, 2017 in Criminal Defense, Legal Blog, Traffic

Moving vehicles can be deadly when operated without caution. In situations where you didn’t mean to cause a death while operating a vehicle, but reckless or intoxicated driving resulted in a fatality, you may be charged with vehicular manslaughter or vehicular homicide. Michigan has laws…