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Criminal Defense

Going to Court

Going to Court in Genesee County, MI

Jun 23, 2020 in Court, Criminal Defense

People may believe they are familiar with the judicial system because entertainment programing is filled with crime, trials, and lawyers. But real-life doesn’t look much like you see on screen and watching “Suits” won’t help when you’re going to court in Genesee County, Michigan. Fortunately,…

New Laws in Michigan in 2020

New Criminal Laws in Michigan in 2020

Feb 28, 2020 in Criminal Defense

Michigan’s state legislature has recently passed several new criminal laws that deal with juvenile delinquency, sports betting, vaping, and civil asset forfeiture. Overall, these new laws represent a step in the right direction for a state that for many years has maintained harsh and old…

Violent Crime Statistics in Detroit

Feb 27, 2020 in Criminal Defense, Legal Blog

Detroit has been named Michigan’s most dangerous city, according to statistics collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In terms of violent crimes, the city ranks near the top of the list nationally. Davis Law Group possesses the knowledge and skills to help you…