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How Do I Know if I’ve Been Charged With a Crime in Michigan?

Jul 15, 2021, by Maurice Davis in Criminal Defense
Arrest warrant that hasn't been filled out yet

You probably know that you need a strong legal defense to help you avoid conviction if arrested. But how will you know if you are charged with a crime in Michigan?

Charges don’t necessarily start with an arrest. The process for charging someone with a crime is complex. Here are some of the essential details you’ll need to know about being charged with a crime in Michigan.

Process for Being Charged With a Crime in Michigan

You might think that police officers charge you with a crime. Police are responsible for investigating crimes, gathering evidence to support criminal charges, and filing a report with the state prosecutor. The prosecutor reviews the evidence to determine whether the state has enough evidence to obtain a conviction. After that, prosecutors charge you with a crime in Michigan.

The state must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. A criminal defense attorney helps create sufficient reasonable doubt in the mind of the judge or the jury.

Can You Be Charged With a Crime if You Weren’t Arrested?

You can be charged with a crime without an arrest.

The state prosecutor can charge you with a crime and then allow you to turn yourself in. There is also the possibility that you could be issued a citation. If this happens, you’ll be required to appear in court at a specific date and time. Failure to do so could result in a warrant for your arrest for failure to appear.

How to Check if You Are Charged with a Crime

There are several ways you can tell criminal charges have been filed against you. The first is if you are arrested and brought in for arraignment.

The second is by checking the online records of the city district court’s website where an incident may have occurred. If your name shows up with a warrant for your arrest, you will need to turn yourself in to clear up the matter.

Charged With a Crime? Now What?

Depending on the nature of the charges and prior criminal record, it is in your best interest to consult a Michigan criminal defense lawyer. You do not want to trust your defense to a public defender with an overwhelming caseload or jeopardize your future by representing yourself.

Once you have a trusted attorney on your side, it will be time to explore your options for your defense. The details of your case will determine which strategy is going to be most favorable for you. Your defense lawyer will need to speak with witnesses, hire expert witnesses, and be prepared to go up against the prosecutor’s case. Now more than ever, you want a legal advocate to fight for your future.

Call Criminal Defense Lawyer in Michigan Today

When you are facing criminal charges, you must take steps to defend yourself. The penalties of a conviction are sure to be devastating. Schedule your free, no-risk case review at Davis Law Group today.

Call our office at 313-818-3238. Or fill out our online contact form to get started on your defense strategy.