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Detroit Legal Blog

38-Year-Old Man Avoids Michigan Sex Crimes Conviction

Nov 21, 2016, by Maurice Davis in Case Results, Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes

When an individual is charged with a crime involving sexual misconduct involving a minor in Michigan, it is imperative to reach out to a qualified criminal defense attorney with extensive experience dealing with Michigan sex crimes. Not only can someone face prison and mandatory sex offender registration, the mere accusation can also have a devastating impact. For example, a 38-year old man was recently charged with indecent exposure after a 16-year-old female claimed that he exposed himself outside of her home and had sent her photos of his genitals. When the man learned that he’d possibly face up to a year in jail, which would assuredly result in losing his job, and being labeled as a sex offender for the rest of his life, he knew that he would need the capable legal representation of Detroit’s Davis Law Group.

With considerable experience in dealing with Michigan sex crimes cases, attorney Maurice Davis set to work and began reviewing the evidence against his client. This led to a meeting with the prosecution, where he pointed out conflicting reports of the incident. Through his tenacious ability to negotiate, attorney Davis convinced the prosecution to reduce the charge to disorderly conduct along with a period of probation. After agreeing to this lesser offense, his client was thankful to be spared from the life-shattering and perpetual effects of a Michigan sex crimes conviction.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.