Domestic Violence Charges Dismissed For Oakland County Woman
Mar 21, 2016, by Case Results, Domestic Violence inA lot was on the line recently for a woman in Oakland County, when she was charged with domestic violence, following a heated argument with her boyfriend. Officers were called to the disturbance and accused her of assault without taking her initial statement. Since she was in the process of obtaining her Master’s Degree and had a promising career as a credit analyst, she knew the resulting harm of a domestic violence conviction to her record could be catastrophic, so she searched for serious legal representation.
She found Michigan criminal defense attorney Maurice Davis, who is adeptly experienced in handling these emotionally-charged domestic situations. Attorney Maurice Davis worked with the officers involved and the district attorney’s office on behalf of his client to show she was not the initial aggressor and had herself sustained injuries in the confrontation. By bringing these facts to light, attorney Davis was able to negotiate the dismissal of charges, which greatly pleased our client, who has happy to move on without this legal burden.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.