Howell, MI Woman Retains Driver’s License Despite BAC Test Refusal
Nov 30, 2018, by Case Results, Criminal Defense, OWI inRecently, a woman in Howell, Michigan found herself in some trouble when she was pulled over for speeding and refused to take blood alcohol content (BAC) tests (including a preliminary breath test and a Datamaster test). Due to Michigan’s implied consent law, she was facing a one-year license suspension that would greatly impact her life. Wanting to avoid the loss of her license and any additional criminal penalties she’d face as the result of a criminal conviction for a high BAC, she reached out to Davis Law Group for help.
Detroit criminal defense attorney Maurice Davis immediately got to work on her case. After representing the client in an implied consent hearing, attorney Davis was able to help her avoid a driver’s license suspension. In addition, he was able to negotiate a restricted license on her behalf in the criminal case.
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