Southfield Drug Lawyer
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In Michigan, drug crimes cover an array of offenses and represent the most common types of criminal charges brought to trial. In Southfield and throughout the state, separate charges and penalties are imposed for possession, distribution, trafficking, and sales. If you are facing a drug charge, then you are probably aware of the seriousness of the offense. An experienced Southfield drug lawyer can help guide you through the legal uncertainties and prepare a solid defense on your behalf.
As a skilled Southfield criminal defense lawyer, Maurice Davis understands the situation you are facing. The threat of prison time and steep fines are real and you need experienced legal help to mitigate the charges you are facing, work a deal with the prosecution, or mount a vigorous defense on your behalf at trial.
Call Davis Law Group today at (313) 818-3238 for a free consultation.
What are Considered Drug Crimes in Michigan?
A drug crime in Michigan involves the possession, use, manufacturing, or distribution of any type of illegal or controlled substance. Drugs such as cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, methamphetamine, prescription drugs, and more are covered. The consequences of a drug crime conviction can be far-reaching, including massive fines, probation, and time in prison, depending on the quantity of the drug in question.
Michigan categorizes controlled substances into five categories. They are grouped as Schedule I through Schedule V. Schedule I controlled substances include the most dangerous substances, such as heroin and cocaine. Crimes associated with these substances are punished harshly. The scale slides toward less dangerous substances in Schedule V, which include many prescription medications.
Possession of Drugs
It is illegal to possess any quantity of Schedule I through Schedule V drugs without a valid prescription. If you are charged with possession, the prosecution must prove the following beyond a reasonable doubt:
- The substance in your possession is a controlled substance
- You knowingly possessed the substance
- The substance was in your immediate and exclusive control (actual or constructive possession)
Penalties for possession of drugs can vary depending upon the schedule of the drug as well as the quantity in possession. Schedule I drugs carried in large quantities will result in more serious penalties than those in Schedule V and carried in lower quantities.
Manufacturing and Distribution of Drugs
Controlled substance trafficking occurs if you knowingly bring into Michigan a controlled or counterfeit substance for the purpose of manufacture or delivery or with the intent of manufacturing or delivering the substance. Causing a drug to be brought into Michigan may also warrant trafficking charges. To convict you of this crime, the prosecution must prove the following beyond a reasonable doubt that you knowingly brought a controlled or counterfeit substance into Michigan for the purpose of manufacturing or delivery.
Thus, you must actually know that you were in possession of drugs and you must intend to manufacture or deliver those drugs within the state of Michigan. If, for example, someone placed drugs in your car without your knowledge and you traveled into Michigan, you should not be convicted of drug trafficking.
Penalties for Drug Crimes
Drug crimes have a wide array of penalties depending upon the substance and amount involved. However, possession, manufacturing, and distribution of a large quantity of drugs can result in a felony. Penalties for classes of crimes in Michigan include:
- 93-day misdemeanors – up to 93 days in jail
- One-year misdemeanors – up to one year in jail
- High court misdemeanors – up to two years’ incarceration
- Class A felonies – up to life in prison
- Class B felonies – up to 20 years in prison
- Class C felonies – up to 15 years in prison
- Class D felonies – up to 10 years in prison
- Class E felonies – up to five years in prison
- Class F felonies – up to four years in prison
- Class G felonies – up to two years in prison
- Class H felonies – time in jail
In addition to incarceration, you face steep fines if convicted of a drug offense in the state of Michigan. Aggravating factors such as distribution in a school zone or repeat offenses can lead to increased incarceration time and greater fines. Large quantities of controlled substances can also lead to increased fines.
A Drug Lawyer in Southfield, MI Can Help You
The sooner you contact Southfield drug lawyer Maurice Davis at Davis Law Group, the faster he and his team can begin building your case. With prior experience as a prosecutor, attorney Davis knows how the prosecution thinks and he can make sure you have the best defense possible.
Contact us today at (313) 818-3238 to schedule a free case evaluation.